Ticket workflows according to defined IT standards
- Fully automate ticket workflows
- Realize approval processes
- Use ad hoc checklists in tickets
TANSS® Processes makes it possible to dynamically adapt checklists to specific tickets and to define the complete workflow of a ticket according to defined IT standards. The flexible modeling options allow you to create individual processes for your specific ticket types, such as incidents, changes or service requests.
The initiation of a process can be done manually or fully automatically by selecting or preassigning a specific ticket type. TANSS® processes are an interplay of checklist items to be processed and fully automatic ticket events. For example, employee / Abteilungszuweisung, Fälligkeit / Deadline, Ticket-Stati und vieles mehr an festgelegten Prozessabschnitten vollautomatisch geändert werden. Darüber hinaus bieten Multi-Auswahlfelder die Möglichkeit Prozessverzweigungen einzubauen.